About Us

Yvonne and Rod Weatherhead

Are former headteachers and educational consultants. Yvonne was awarded an M.B.E. in 2016 for Services to Education. Yvonne has written novels about a loveable sheepdog The Starfly series, aimed at Primary school children with Read and Respond books and ideas for drama available from mail@weatherheadprojects.com

Yvonne is presently involved in many author’s days which involve reading, writing and drama workshops, connected with her short stories, poetry books and her Starfly books. Her latest short story books are aimed at supporting children in adventurous reading and writing opportunities. Each book includes facts to learn, as well as an endearing story, which can be developed into drama opportunities.

Mary Moorhen goes skating was published in 2019. A story based on Yvonne’s childhood memories living by a lake, where many stories unfurled.

Lizzifly the Sea Scout was published in 2019. A story about a daring sea rescue in Cemaes Bay in Anglesey, led by the magical sand lizard, Lizzifly, supported by his comical friend, Griff the seagull.

The latest book, Lizzifly in a quest for Paradise, published in 2022, is an intriguing tale, about Lizzifly, the magical sand lizard, searching for new lands and adventures. The story takes a dramatic twist when Lizzifly becomes kidnapped; events turn out much differently than expected.

Making new friends and strong compassion, are themes within the book. Exciting and nail biting!!